Data Breach
Class Actions can be a Tool
Class actions can be a tool to fight against companies who take advantage of their customers. Sometimes they try to conceal small costs charged to their customers and try to get away with it. Sometimes they charge for things a customer has not agreed to. And other times they advertise for one product but do not deliver it.
Many consumers have heard of unfair business practices and consumer protection laws that help fight against companies charging improper fees. These laws or tools are also used to ensure companies don’t misrepresent a product or service. Class action lawyers work to regulate big companies and make sure they do not rip off consumers.
Stores and merchants offer attractive deals on products and services, but must follow through on what is offered. If the deal is not actually available but offered only to entice a consumer to accept a different purchase, this is called bait and switch. Examples of bait and switch include imposing unexpected charges or hidden fees; charging a different price than was offered; or offering a different product and service than was advertised. A class action lawsuit may be filed when bait and switch practices are used.
Product Warranties
When a product is purchased it usually comes with some warranty. A warranty can be in writing or simply a function of the law which protects consumers. When a product is sold it is expected to live up to or perform for its expected use. But it is surprising how many companies do not make products that do what they are expected to do. Our lawyers handle these cases. Please contact us if you think your product has not lived up to its warranty.
Class action lawyers specializing in consumer product and fraud cases keep companies honest. When a company fails to honor its warranty they give customers a hard time and many times blame the customer for the product problem. When this is done on a widespread basis or pattern a class action lawyer can help to right the wrong.
Contact us if you have been cheated by a company or business.